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 Elila charsheet

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Сообщения : 393
Активность : 469
Карма : 1
Дата регистрации : 2009-04-19
Возраст : 34

Elila charsheet Empty
СообщениеТема: Elila charsheet   Elila charsheet EmptyЧт Июл 21, 2011 5:35 am

My story started when I was three. I was left for my granny’s watch, while my mother, a well-known bard, descended in the sunset looking for troubles. Or adventures. Who knows? She never returned.
My granny loved me and grew me up trying not to repeat her mistake, which made my mother so careless. She told me every day that I need to be responsible and disciplined, need to be honest and trust, not to end like my mother ended. I hated her notations. I dreamt about adulthood, when I could make my own decisions. I wanted to be free.
There always were numerous people around interested in me. I was beautiful, charismatic and fearless. I was always a leader in children’s games, and later – the main theme of girls’ whispering. They blamed me, and envied me, so I became arrogant and self-centered. And I was a half-elf. I tried to find my elf-relatives, but I have never succeeded.
I was really strange sometimes. My granny became nervous in SUCH DAYS, and didn’t let me to go out. I was speaking to voices in my head – they told me to do strange things. I killed our dog one day. It had no air to breathe and died. Nobody knew it was me. But it was my magic, who did it. I reveled in my power.
Since childhood my magic, my words’ power has been just feeding my egoism. Therefore, I left my home and travelled around, quite confident of my independence, of my capability to cope with everything I’d face. My granny failed to talk me out of this idea.
I started from elven forests, where was met surprisingly cold. I came there in hope to make friends with everybody I could see, but I was just a bastard for them. My self-confidence was painfully hurt, especially when I understood that I knew almost nothing about my magic. Some dull old elves charitably agreed to teach me. Not to have my death on their conscience – they said. I was insulted, but left and studied – I had no place to go, anyway.
Magic there was strange, but I greedily drank in new knowledge and felt my words more and more powerful. I left them in some years, because I reached the border, which could only be reached by a half-human. I found out, that I was still attractive; moreover, I was able to charm anyone – man or woman. I was able to control people – with my body and my magic.
Now my way leads to Neverwinter – city of thousand pleasures, unknown for me. The place, where I wouldn’t be an outcast, where I can find my own place. My personal freedom, I dreamt so long about; where I can feel some new for me, human magic.
I got to know my granny was dead. Her heart wasn't able to cope with loneliness. I was upset, but my goal was much more interesting. I believe I became the same as my mother was.

story-hook - missing mother, human magic, elven relatives
flaws - somewhat another (arrogant and self-centered)
Innate magic 7M
Book of elven rituals
Contacts - elven forest

Frakir (familiar)

Familiar (viper) 19
Poisonous bite 3M
Hypnotic sight 16

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Elila charsheet
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